Monday, December 13, 2010

Communication via Blog

The blog assignments assigned to us in class I feel is a great way in building communications throughout the students in the class.  It is easy and an effective way to connect everyone together outside of the class.  For people that have a lot to say but don’t often get the chance to speak up, the blog is a perfect place for them to express all their thoughts.  The blog also gets us to think back and reflect on what we were exposed to in class. Any activities we did we would report back on the blog about it.  It gave us time to go back and really think about what we did, giving us the opportunity to learn and get a better understanding of the material.  A lot of the blogging we did came from our own thoughts.  It wasn’t necessary to research any material post about that.  It was a way for use to tap into the creative sides of our minds.  This was an easy way to manage 20 percent of your grade, that of course if you managed to stay on top of the due dates and post a well written entry.  This doesn’t apply to everyone, and I would probably include myself in that category.  There were times I grew lazy and posted late on entries a few times.  Other times I would just forget an assignment was due.  In situations like that that 20 percent can easily be affected by those kind of mistakes and in an event of that I would say maybe having the blogging portion of the grade to be 10 or 15 percent.  After this blog has ended I probably will not continue to post.  I am not the type of person who does blog.  Even though I did enjoy writing these entries, I do not see myself writing blogs for fun.  This is a great tool to use in upcoming classes as it does give way to letting students connect more with the matter of the subject. 

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