Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Influential and Conscientious

Last week we had done a class activity which was a test that told us what kind of leader/manager we are.  The test consisted of 28 questions in which we answered questions based on what we felt were the personality traits least and most associated with us.  In the beginning I was looking for a trend depending on what kind of letters I had picked to see if there was any correlation but it was pointless.  It was fun going through the whole process because I never thought about myself with being associated with the words given on the test, so I had a chance to see what kind of person I was.  The four ways we could have been classified was being a Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious type. 
            My dominant type was I.  It states that I make a favorable impression when I am in contact with people.  I am articulate with my words and generate enthusiasm.  Also it says that I create a motivational environment and entertain people.  I believe this type works well with me because it defines the kind of person I am.  Rather than being more demanding and direct in a leadership situation I like to be friendly to convey a message to get things done.  I am a sociable person and use my words as a means for people to cling onto my ideas and instructions.  I was also classified as being the C type.  I find myself to fit in well with this category.  It says my “emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and emphasis”.  It says that I am a person who concentrates on key details and is very analytical.  I happen to be very analytical indeed.  I’m a person who really enjoys math, so being precise, accurate; systematic is a way I already am.   I am diplomatic and like dealing with people’s issues to resolve conflicts. 


  1. It was scary accurate wasn't it? At first I didn't think my assessment of Dc was accurate, but the more I read into it the more it seemed to fit. But psychologically speaking, I guess people read into everything more as time goes on.

  2. Ah, actually I'm Cd...
