Monday, October 18, 2010

An Eggs-cellent Way to Plan

The activity we had on planning in class was a very useful one, as it taught us a lot about the planning process.  It was a good way to get us engaged in a hands-on activity to go through the steps involved in getting an objective completed.  The 5 steps of the planning process include defining your objectives and goals, determining the current status and comparing to objectives, developing premises and several alternative strategies, analyzing alternatives and making a tactical plan, and finally implementing the plan and evaluating results. 
We were given eight straws and two feet of tape.  Our goal was to build a contraption for the egg so that when dropped 10 feet off the ground it would survive a crash with no cracks.   At least 50 percent of the egg shell had to be shown at all times.  We had 15 minutes to discuss our plan and 10 minutes to build the contraption.  I felt our group clearly defined the objectives and goals.  We had to come up with a name for the egg, come up with a sketch of our contraption, assign a leader, and distribute tasks equally.  Although we knew what needed to be done, we did not do everything we had to in the planning process.  We did not have a distinct leader in the group.  Everyone kind of just voiced their input and ideas as part of the discussion.   We did not have an alternate back up plan in case the first one did not work when executing it.  There was not enough time to think of multiple ideas.  So as we brought up an idea we just added on to that thought and grew from there.  When it came time for us to execute the contraption it was not clearly defined the tasks to be carried out by each individual.  It seemed as if whoever grabbed their hands on whatever materials first decided to work with that.  At times I felt I had nothing to do.  The blueprint we had of our model was not exactly the same as we had built as an end product.  We had to change up our plan last minute due to the lack of time.  Overall I felt we did get done what we had to do, but with more organization which would have helped with a defined leader, and clearly defined tasks for each person, we could have been more time efficient leading to a possible success.  However, our egg did suffer a crack!

1 comment:

  1. it's a good thing your group was able to improvise with the material and time you had left. I think most groups had to improvise because things don't usually go according to plan. This was a great way for us to learn that planning certainly does help be we have to all be on our feet and ready to improvise when we are unable to execute the very details of our original plan
